Can I Ask You Something??????

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Who in the World? Wednesday" Blog Hop

Wednesday, again?!? 

Welcome to "Who in the World? Wednesday" Blog hop. Your host are Chronicles of a crazy mom, The Coupon Cutie and Mommy Does. Don't forget to grab our button and share us, too, the more the merrier! 

Featured Host 6/1/11
Rebecca from Learning to Limit
A little about Rebecca: I was born in 1985 and raised in a small North Carolina town smack-dab in the middle of the "Bible Belt. The Lord blessed my husband and I  with a beautiful baby girl in September of 2010. I returned to work for a small amount of time and ultimately we decided that my time would be better spent as a Home Management Specialist (aka. SAHM). 
     My blog is titled "Learning to Limit" because I believe in all things in moderation. I feel that in order to live a well rounded and purposeful life, you must learn to limit yourself in almost every category. This includes chocolate consumption, retail therapy and even work. We are currently trying to get out of debt and stay out of debt. So, a lot of my interests are linked to living a more frugal life. I love to cook and keep a smooth running household. I am a Christ follower, not because I was raised to be, but because I have personally experienced His comfort and grace. I want to live my life in a way that would show others the love of Christ and the abundant life he intended us to live.

Visit Rebecca by clicking the #19 link below :)

Chronicles of a crazy mom

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Nice blog! New follower from Who in the World Hop. Drop on by and see me if you get the chance, thanks!

